
+herongale writes+

13 May 02...*UPDATE!* All of my noteworthy fics are linked!


The story that started it all. A school dance brings Ken and Daisuke together... can a foolish mistake tear them apart? 20/30 chapters finished. CHAPTER 21 IN PRINTING. VERY LONG.

What the Sibyl Said

This is a story of swearing and shameless behavior. Also, it is a tale of self-discovery in the face of innate cluelessness. Ken has a scheme that involves Hikari: too bad that Daisuke is on a mission to complicate things, ne? Winner of Nemesi-chan's first contest. COMPLETE, LONG.

Kinder Nation

Prequel to 02. Ken Ichijouji tries to find meaning in his brother's death. Instead, he finds *himself*. Will he like what he becomes? (Why, this is the third summary in a row that uses a provactive question to avoid providing a more detailed synopsis! Amazing.) Involves scary amounts of historical research and a plot that (I think) is lovely. Ch. 4: The past does not hate you) IN PRINTING, LONGISH.

Lux Fiat

Alternate Universe Kensuke for Nemesi's Doujinshi Contest. *whew* Daisuke has his last hunt in the Antarctic seas... and is saved from perilous doom by a mysterious dark-haired Prince. ++ This story gives me a great opportunity to show-off my great love of all things Polar, and I'm told that this is one of my most appealing versions of Daisuke yet. IN PRINTING: CH. 10, "Will to Power." SHAPING UP TO BE... LONG. YEAH, LONG. :) NEEDS TO BE DONE BY JULY.

An Immortal Emperor in a Mundane Universe

Sometimes I write very beautiful and affecting things. This is my favourite, my favourite story that I could have written thus far. The child Kaizer is called out by Daisuke, to talk. COMPLETE, MIDDLING SHORT ONE-SHOT.

God Stripes

A gift I wrote for Kinslater, who wrote the incredibly erotic and (yes) disturbing fic "The Mistakes We Make." In keeping with the spirit of that story, this one is also NC-17 for sexual explicitness. If you want a glimmer of what "twisted spirituality" means to me, read this. SHORT, ONE-SHOT.


Another gift fic, this one for Katrina. It's a songfic (god, I know), to the tune "If I were gay," by Stephen Lynch. This is me taking a rather silly tune and turning in into a brief fluffy little Kensuke. Good drinking fic. COMPLETE, BRIEF ONE-SHOT.

Cloudy with a Chance of Kaizers

Vain's fav. A Daisuke POV. Stream of consciouness from a boy not usually noted from his thoughtfulness. COMPLETE, NICELY SHORT.

Perth, Reversed

It's kind of just a particular scene, coloured by my love of philosophy. Ken and Daisuke sit and chat. This is another personal favourite of mine, written in much the same mood that "Immortal Emperor" was. COMPLETE. BLINK AND YOU'RE FINISHED; BRIEF AS A MOSQUITO'S LIFE

Going Down?

Total fluff. Ken and Daisuke trapped in an elevator. An earlier work, kind of uneven and a bit short, but I still like it. COMPLETE.


Another earlier work, very like Reflections in that I use all of the Digidestined. It's a costume party! COMPLETE.


Total Request Live!

This is my first MTV-based humor fic, featuring a pretend top-10 list of the songs of 2001. Extreme silliness. COMPLETE, 2 CHAPTERS.

Say What? Karayokemon!

Written during the dark days of Joey McIntyre's reign. Another MTV story, considered by many to be hilarious. I think it illustrates my media-junkiw status with embarassing accuaracy. COMPLETE, 2 CHAPTERS.

Kari has Leukemia!

I take my dark medical knowledge in vain. This is actually quite fun, I want to do more work on it but I'm stuck on the Mimi part. Who would have though that a VD scrapbook would be so hard? *grins* IN PRINTING, IN PROGRESS... ALLEGEDLY.

Listen Up, Goofball!

!!! Exclaimation marks seem to be indicators of The Funny in my world. This is a mega-crossover fic, using Loveline (the radio show), Digimon (of course), and Harry Potter, with little jabs at NPR as well. Way fun to write, and further evidence that Herongale Has No Life. IN PRINTING.